After 31 years with the BPSU Richard Lynn has retired!
Richard Lynn has retired after 31 years as the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit’s Scientific Coordinator and M4RD would like to thank him for advocating for those affected by rare disease.
Richard started working at the BPSU in 1990 when it had only surveyed 10 conditions. The team now send an electronic reporting card to over 4000 clinicians; have surveyed over 120 conditions and published over 300 peer reviewed papers. Richard’s innovative management has taken the Unit forward, and it is now globally recognised as a leader in rare disease surveillance.
As well as helping to found several specialty surveillance units in the UK and other national paediatric surveillance units, Richard also introduced symposia, workshops and, more recently, webinars. During the pandemic last year, he adapted the BPSU’s methodology to facilitate COVID-19 related surveillance.
Richard’s family is affected by a rare disease and so he has always been a strong advocate for patient involvement in all BPSU activities, launching the BPSU Rare Disease Day Tea Party in 2015. Look out for details on the 2021 VIRTUAL Tea Party taking place in July…!
Richard saw the value of Students4RareDiseases in its early days. Since then he has given me and (now) M4RD unwavering support and provided opportunities that have lead to its success today. He is truly committed to raising up the small but powerful voices in rare disease. Thank you Richard
Dr Lucy McKay, CEO M4RD
Thankfully, Richard will continue to advocate for those affected by rare disease through his academic research and involvement with both Rare Revolution Magazine and Findacure.
To find out more about what’s coming up from the BPSU this year, check out our events page