Meet our Medical Communications Officer
As the M4RD team continues to grow, we’re excited to announce the appointment of our new part-time Medical Communications Officer, Dr Emma Huskinson.
As a doctor, with a background in marketing and communications, she will help bring to life our vital patient stories and raise awareness of M4RD to the medical community.
She will also be responsible for creating content for our popular Mystery Disease Monday.

About Emma
Emma trained at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, where M4RD laid its initial foundations! After graduating she worked as a Junior Doctor at The Royal London and Homerton hospitals in East London, where she saw the impact of chronic and rare diseases first hand. However, Emma didn’t start out as a doctor! Prior to her medical studies, she had a career in Marketing and Public Relations. She worked with diverse brands such as BBC Worldwide, Unilever and L’Oreal, gaining extensive experience with communications.
I am so excited to join M4RD as Medical Communications Officer. Having seen the charity develop over the years, I am thrilled to get involved at this point!”
Emma Huskinson
You can contact Emma on Her normal working hours will initially be from 10am to 3pm, Mondays and Tuesdays – changing to Tuesdays and Wednesdays from September.
Mystery Disease Monday
If #MysteryDiseaseMonday is something you would like to take part in, you simply use this form to provide us with the images and facts that you’d like us to share and we’ll do the rest! Please make sure you have permission to share any materials that you send us.