M4RD’s annual strategy meeting
Last week our CEO and trustees met for M4RD’s annual strategy meeting in Gloucestershire. This was an opportunity to reflect on our progress over the last 12 months and to make strategic decisions for achieving M4RD’s charitable objects going forward.
Objectives, Goals, Strategies & Measures
M4RD’s objective is to provide education and practical tools targeted at medical professionals, enabling them to reduce the diagnostic odyssey and improve the patient experience.
Our OGSMs steer our annual work programme. For this meeting, three main priorities from the overall strategy were chosen for in-depth discussion:
- working with training institutions
- supporting ongoing implementation of policy
- sustainable funding
The staff team are also invited to contribute to the conversations on different priority areas; so everyone has the chance to input into strategic decisions.

Creating content
Of course, the day is also a great opportunity for the whole team to get together. This is really important for such a small charity! Our trustee and website wizard Dan Jeffries is always on hand with his trusty camera to make sure we grab some good content…
M4RD’s annual strategy meeting…in video
Anyone who follows M4RD will be used to seeing my face and hearing my voice by now. However there are many more people working in the background of M4RD, ensuring we achieve our objectives and making a difference to the rare community. The trustees are a dedicated group of volunteers who safeguard the charity, direct its strategy and provide their skills for its benefit. I am so grateful for their commitment and leadership.
Dr Lucy McKay, CEO
We are so lucky to have such an experienced and highly involved board of trustees working alongside a staff team of truly talented people with extensive experience within the remit of rare disease, charity, business and commercial sectors. You can check them all out here!