M4RD are proud sponsors of T-KASH
Medics4RareDiseases are proud to be a bronze sponsor for T-KASH: Transition – Knowledge and Skills in Healthcare, a new tool designed to support young people with rare and genetic conditions as they transition into adulthood. It has been developed by Alström Syndrom UK (ASUK: https://www.alstrom.org.uk) and Breaking Down Barriers (https://breaking-down-barriers.org.uk), a network of organisations supporting those with rare and genetic conditions.
Transition in healthcare
Transition is a gradual process where a young person (11+) is supported into adulthood. However, the word ‘transition’ in healthcare can be misunderstood, and often used interchangeably with ‘transfer’, which is an event within transition.
It is important that young people can build their confidence to manage the care they need, so that their voices are heard. To do this, it is important to look at all aspects of a person’s life through health, education and social care. Unfortunately there are few resources created by young people about transition, for young people with additional needs. This is where T-KASH comes in.
What is T-KASH?
T-KASH is a tool designed to support young people, families, and healthcare professionals to help everyone understand the transition journey and what is important to young people. Co-produced by young members of ASUK to make it as inclusive and representative as possible, T-KASH covers 12 key points to have conversations about when someone transitions into adult services.
Visit this website www.breaking-down-barriers.org.uk/t-kash-transition-tools/ to learn more about T-KASH, and watch the video below to explore each of the 12 elements in-depth.
Our sponsorship
M4RD have sponsored the logo ‘Knowing about My Medical Conditions’.Â
This topic outlines how crucial it is for young people to understand that they are entitled to good quality, coordinated healthcare that is developmentally appropriate and takes into account their culture, beliefs and living style. It also explains how important it is for healthcare staff to be knowledgeable about their condition/s, good listeners, respond to their needs and know how to talk to you about their life.
M4RD decided to sponsor this particular logo because this ethos aligns with our objective to provide and campaign for rare disease medical education and training in order to reduce the diagnostic odyssey and improve the patient experience.
Read more about this topic here: https://breaking-down-barriers.org.uk/knowing-about-my-medical-condition-s/
How can T-KASH be used?
T-KASH is designed to be personalised and adaptable, therefore it can be used in many different ways. For example, you can display a T-KASH poster throughout healthcare settings to aid conversations with young people. Bardet-Biedl Syndrome UK have even used the 12 logos to create a young person’s transition booklet. Take a look at it here: https://bbsuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Transition-Booklet-2021-PDF.pdf
If you would like your own free resources, register by emailing Catherine.lewis@alstrom.org.uk
Final thoughts
We must keep young people at the heart of everything when it comes to transition. This includes exploring all areas of someone’s life and their future aspirations, as well as identifying the barriers they may face and building on their strengths.
So, let’s use T-KASH to get transition in healthcare right for young people!